Let’s Take Our Country Back!
Law & Order
Our candidates respect the rule of law and those who are charged with protecting our families and our property.
Support Safe Neighborhoods & Communities
A free society functions best when people believe they are safe, free and are able to do what makes them most happy.
Seal the Border & Stop the Migrant Invasion
With this election, we need to elect a team of leaders from the top of the ticket to the bottom who understand that we must protect our borders and our citizens.
A Conservative Judicial Philosophy
It really does matter who serves on the judicial bench. Learn more about our conservative team of judges on this year’s ballot.
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If you are having a conversation with friends about politics, share this QR code and encourage them to share with others so that more will be informed about our conservative candidates for office.
Proven Leaders
Our sample ballot has candidates that have proven leadership skills and who represent voters in Lincoln County in a thoughtful and responsive way.
Let’s work together to elect conservatives in November
Each and every election is important, but this one has far reaching implications for Our Nation, Our State, Our County and Our Way of Life