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Kevin Demeny

Lincolnton City Council, Ward 1

Kevin Demeny was born in Green Bay, Wisconsin, but has spent most of his adult life in Lincoln County.

After graduating from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a B.A. in History, he remained in North Carolina as a teacher and coach at Concord High School.

After nearly a decade, Kevin left his teaching career to explore real estate and residential construction.

In the early 2000’s, he obtained a North Carolina General Contractors License and since has been developing single family and senior housing in Lincoln and surrounding counties. He’s an active partner and co-founder of Monarch Building Group, Inc in Lincolnton and a member of the Lincoln County Builders Association.

He and his wife, Annette, reside in Ward 1 and have five amazing adult children: Kayla, Megan, Ashley, Zachary, Sam and two incredible grandchildren, Callaway and Baby KD (arriving soon!). Kevin has a heart for community connection and safety.

On most any given day, the door to the Demeny home will be standing open in hopes of a neighborly visit.

Kevin says: “I truly value the mix of passions, ideas and common issues. When woven properly together can build a stronger community. Connection with fellow citizens is key to the overall health of a city.”

You can contact Kevin at

Kevin Demeny
Candidate for Lincolnton City Council, Ward 1